

推荐:教师考试信息2018-01-08 17:23:04 | 学员回顾

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 :Warming- up and lead in

(1) Greet students by asking the weather.

(2) Teacher sing a song for students. Here is the song:

Daddy finger, Daddy finger. Where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger. Where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger. Where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger. Where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger. Where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Then ask students “Do you know the name of the song?Have you got the picture about your family? Can you show us?”

Step 2 :Presentation

(1) Show a picture about David’s family and ask students to read the passage and answer some questions.

a. How many members in your family?

b. What does your mother do?

c. What does your father do?

d. What does your uncle do?

e. What does your aunt do?

f. What does David do?

Then teach them the new words “postman, typist, farmer, nurse”

(2) Write the sentences on the blackboard.

My father is a postman. My mother is a typist.

He is a farmer. She is a nurse.

David is a student.

Then ask students to find when should we use “is, are, am”. Teacher will conclude that when we meet he , she or some person like “father, mother or David” we use “is”. Then show some other sentences “She likes apples. He likes apples. I like apples.” And use the same way to conclude that when we meet he , she or some person like “father, mother or David” we use “verb-s”. Finally, tell them that they are third person singular form.

Step 3 :Practice

(1) Students need to retell the passage with partners.

(2) Show some pictures and let students to say sentences according to them.

For example:

She is a teacher. He is a policeman

Anne likes apples. My father likes ice cream.

Step 4 :Production

Ask students do a survey in group of five and talk about their family, and five minutes later invite some group member will be invited to share other members’ family.

Step 5 :Summary and homework

(1) Make a summary about today’s lesson.

(2) Homework: Use the third person singular form to say some sentences and talk about your classmates’ family members with parents.

Blackboard design:




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